
The SIGPLOT appearance can be set during instantiation. For example, the above plot uses some options to change the style

plot = new sigplot.Plot(document.getElementById('plot'), {
xi: true, // invert background and foreground
gridBackground: ["#fff", "#ddd"], // set a gradient background
autohide_readout: true, // only show the readout when the mouse is over the plot
autohide_panbars: true // only show panbars when necessary and the mouse is over the plot

Some of the appearance settings can also be modified using the sigplot.change_settings() method.

plot.change_settings( {grid: state}); // enable/disable grid, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {show_x_axis: state}); // show/hide x-axis, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {show_y_axis: state}); // show/hide y-axis, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {show_readout: state}); // show/hide readout, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {cross: state}); // show/hide crosshair, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {pan: state}); // show/hide scrollbars, null to toggle
plot.change_settings( {colors: {fg: '#fff' } } );
plot.change_settings( {colors: {bg: '#000' } } );

SigPlot also supports a few new features that can make the appearance more palatable.

plot = new sigplot.Plot(document.getElementById('plot'), {"xi": true, gridBackground: ["#fff", "#ddd""]});
Finally, the plots appearance can be modified via the Settings... item under the main-menu (middle-click).