Class: Plot


new Plot(element, options) → {sigplot.Plot}

Construct and render a plot.

Name Type Argument Description

a 'div' DOM element

options <optional>

Key-value pairs whose values alter the behavior of the plot.

Name Type Description
cmode String

the plot rendering mode "IN" = Index, "AB" =
Abscissa (both of these, along with "__" can be added as prefixes to the other modes),
"MA", "Magnitude" = Magnitude, "PH", "Phase" = Phase, "RE", "Real" = Real,
"IM","Imaginary" = Imaginary, "LO", "D1", "10log10" = 10log, "L2" or "D2"
, "20log10" = 20log, "RI", "Real/Imag", "Imag/Real","IR" = Real vs. Imaginary

phunits String

the phase units "D" = Degrees, "R" = Radians,
"C" = Cycles

cross Boolean

display cross hairs on the plot

nogrid Boolean

hide the background grid

legend Boolean

set to false to hide the legend

no_legend_button Boolean

set to true to hide the legend button

nopan Boolean

disable panning on the plot

nomenu Boolean

disable the middle-click menu

nospec Boolean

hide all plot specification displays

noxaxis Boolean

hide the x-axis

noyaxis Boolean

hide the y-axis

noreadout Boolean

hide the plot readout area

nodragdrop Boolean

prevent file drag drop

scroll_time_interval Number

set the time interval for scrolling

index Boolean

use the data-index in the X axis

autox Number

auto-scaling settings for X axis !!!!CHANGED

xmin Number

the minimum range to display on the X axis

xmax Number

the maximum range to display on the X axis

xlab Number

the units that X-axis uses (see m.UNITS)

xlabel Object

function or string for custom X-axis label

xdiv Number

the number of divisions on the X axis

xcnt Number

configure the mtag mouse controls 0 = Off, 1
(default) = LM Click, 2 = Continuous

rubberbox_mode String

controls the behavior of the rubberbox
"zoom" (default) = zoom to the selected area "box" = trigger
an mtag action on the selected area

rightclick_rubberbox_mode String

controls the behavior of the rubberbox
"zoom" = zoom to the selected area "box" = trigger
an mtag action on the selected area. By default is null to disable
right-click boxes

line Number

the line type to draw 0 = None, 1 = Verticals, 2 =
Horizontals, 3 (default) = Connecting

autoy Number

auto-scaling settings for Y axis !!!! CHANGED
0 = Fix , 1 = Auto Min , 2 = Auto Max, 3 = Full Auto

ylab Number

the units that Y-axis uses (see m.UNITS)

ylabel Object

function or string for custom Y-axis label

ymin Number

the minimum range to display on the Y axis

ymax Number

the maximum range to display on the Y axis

ydiv Number

the number of divisions on the Y axis

zmin Number

the minimum range to display on the Z axis

zmax Number

the maximum range to display on the Z axis

yinv Boolean

invert the y-axis

colors.fg String

the foreground color as a CSS color String

the background color as a CSS color

xi Boolean

invert the foreground/background colors

all Boolean

show all of the data on the plot instead of just
one buffer

expand Boolean

auto-scale the plot based on all the data (when
combined with the all option)

origin Number

1 = x1:xmin, x2:xmax, y1:ymax, y2:ymin
(default), 2 = x1:xmax, x2:xmin, y1:ymax, y2:ymin (x
inverted), 3 = x1:xmax, x2:xmin, y1:ymin, y2:ymax (x & y
inverted), 4 = x1:xmin, x2:xmax, y1:ymin, y2:ymax (y inverted)

bufmax Number

the buffer size to use

nokeypress Boolean

disable key press actions


the font family to use for text rendered on the plot. Monospace
font will generally work best.

font_scaled Boolean

mimic the MIDAS plotting behaviour where the
plot font-size is scaled relative to the width of the

font_width Boolean

sets the font width (default=8); if scaled_font
is set to true, then the font width will be the minimum of font_width
or plot width/64.

plot = new sigplot.Plot(document.getElementById('plot'), {[options]});
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