
Fast interactive plotting tailored for signal processing applications.

Basic Usage

Mouse Actions

To zoom, press and drag the left mouse (LM) over the region of interest and release. To unzoom, press the right mouse (RM). To select, press and drag the left mouse (LM) while holding CTRL over the region of interest and release. To view the menu, press the middle mouse (MM) button.

Keyboard Actions

To view the keyboard actions, open the menu by pressing the middle mouse (MM) button on the plot and selecting "Keypress Info"

View Manipulation

  • Panning: There are scrollbars along each axis for panning. Once zoomed, the following features can be used:
  • Single Stepping: Single-click the arrows at the end of each scrollbar to pan the plot by one step.
  • Single Paging:Click anywhere in the trough between a panbar and one of the arrows on either end to page by one step.
  • Continuous Stepping or Paging: Keep the left mouse button held down while stepping or paging.
  • Panbar Dragging: Dragging the panbar along an axis allows you to quickly move from one part of the plot to another.
  • Re-Centering: Click one of the numerical labels along an axis to re-center your plot to a specific value.
  • Range Control: Middle-click on a scrollbar and use the options from the popup menu to expand or shrink values visible within the plot area.
  • Wheel Scrolling: Scrolll the mousewheel up or down while hovering your mouse over a scrollbar to pan. By default, the scroll orientation is inverted/natural, meaning that scrolling forward (away from you) will pan the plot down while scrolling backwards (towards you) will pan the plot up. This setting can be changed in SigPlot's main menu.

About SigPlot

Tailored for Software Defined Radio

SigPlot provides fast interactive plotting tailored for signal processing applications.


Extend the capabilities of the plot through the use of plugins.

Supports Direct Plotting of Binary Files

Plot local or remote files directly without any server-side code.

Built on HTML5 Technologies

SigPlot is 100% pure JavaScript and easy to embed into any framework: jQuery, Bootstrap, ext.js, qooxdoo, etc.

Compatible with Most Browsers

Works best with Chrome. Supports Firefox 3.6+ and Safari 3.1+.
